What Do Women Want From A Relationship?

Women are generally more selective about the other side of the relationship than men, and women also pay more attention to detail.
What do women want from a relationship?

Did you know that women demand more from a relationship than men? Women pay more attention to detail, and look at things more deeply than in terms of mere physical attraction. But in addition, women want to seduce and conquer their ideal partner. So in this article, we try to explain on a very general level what women want from a relationship. Keep reading if you are interested!

1. Someone who is a good “team member”


Being in a relationship means you have to work with another person together. Gradually, you will build a harmonious and happy world for the two of you. So it is not enough for your partner to be the most attractive physically in the world if he cannot even make himself happy in his daily life. A woman wants a partner who can make her laugh, who she can trust, and who understands her.

So a woman hopes to have a partner who will make her life easier – not harder. Unwanted things include unnecessary demands, mistrust or jealousy. Such is not one of the qualities of a good team member, and it only puts distance and suffering for the parties to the relationship to endure. Instead, women want a partner who shares her dreams in life in general, and with whom you can work together to strive towards them with a smile on your face – no tears in your eyes!

2. Someone who listens and who can communicate

This is important in any respect. Both parties in a couple need the ability to listen and understand their partner – this is the person you live with and try to build a common future with. A woman is looking for someone who can be talked to about anything and who is not afraid to face her feelings. The ideal partner understands what is hurting another person or making this happy.

A person who doesn’t communicate well – or who simply can’t – is the kind of partner who puts walls between himself and the other instead of “opening the doors”. Living together is very difficult if there is no openness and communication involved – you want to know that your partner is willing to listen to whatever you are saying, no matter how small this thing is. You want to be heard and understood.

3. Someone who makes you laugh and inspires you

The mere thought of an everyday show of kindness makes you feel good. A smile in the morning, a promise of a bright future together. A gaze that comes just the moment you want to feel comforted, or a hug at night. Walking in the park and happy laughter.


a woman wants joy in a relationship

However, these are the kind of things that require two people – they only come out of nowhere. So you really need to want to make your partner happy. Love and respect are built on this desire, and one must be willing to work to keep this dream alive. Otherwise, the desire between two people fades secretly like smoke in the air. Without this dream, there is no love either.

4. Someone who is mentally mature, safe and emotionally balanced

couple eating

You already know that an immature or insecure person will more than likely make you unhappy. Such people are unreliable or have low self-esteem all the time. This then leads to a toxic relationship where jealousy and emotional manipulation are tools to shackle the other. You will then be penalized if you try to escape from this unfortunate situation.

The ideal partner is mentally mature, confident in himself and stable in emotional life. So you need someone who understands what empathy is, who knows what makes you hurt, and with whom you can build a relationship that is happy, healthy, and balanced in the long run.

You should keep these things in mind when thinking about what to expect from a relationship.

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