When Does A Person Stop Growing?

When does a person stop growing? This is asked more often than you might guess, and is often on the minds of parents of children in particular. In this article, we talk about this topic.
When does a person stop growing?

Many parents of children ask the pediatrician the question: when does a person stop growing? There are several studies related to this topic from many different perspectives: from genetic, geographical and socio-economic factors.

In light of these studies, it has been found that gender in particular is important for human growth. In general, girls develop earlier than boys. Already at the age of 8, girls experience the same hormonal changes that boys experience at the average age of 10.

This average difference of two years is still reflected in the transition to adulthood. For this reason, in adolescence, this difference is very clear among classmates.

Returning from summer vacation back to school in the fall, it seems that mostly the girls have increased in length and their bodies have changed. The hips of the girls have undergone changes and the breasts have grown. Often a year later, boys return to school longer than girls and their strength has increased with muscle growth.

When does a person stop growing?

Why are we growing?

Man grows because it is part of evolution and development. It is a gradual physiological process in which the bones grow in length, gain weight, and the person matures.

The clearest growth spurt occurs during the first years of life at the age of 5-7 and in adolescence. The growth spurt of adolescence is the last moment when a person grows at a fast pace. According to the World Health Organization, a growth spurt in adolescence can occur at the age of 10-19.

At this point, the person also experiences other emotional and physical changes. In addition to accelerated bone growth, the larynx also grows, causing the sound to begin to become stronger and deeper. Muscles become clearer and hair growth begins to accelerate in the genital areas, face and elsewhere in the body.

For girls and women, the onset of menstruation would appear to imply a gradual slowdown in height growth. After that, the girl grows another 2.5 to 5 cents.

Although the girl has not yet reached her final height, she is still very close to it. On average, a girl stops growing in height at the age of 14-16, while a boy stops growing at the age of about 16-18.

For boys, however, this range is wider. Some continue to grow, albeit rather slowly, until they are 21 years old. However, growth occurs much more slowly than in adolescence. The development of muscle mass occurs until about the age of 24.

Many parents of children wonder when a person will stop growing.
The onset of menstruation is a milestone in a woman’s life when height growth begins to slow.

What factors contribute to the cessation of human growth?

Human growth depends heavily on heredity. However, other factors also have an impact on human growth.

The length achieved by man is also related to the quality of the food consumed by man as well as sleep. A healthy and balanced diet provides all the vitamins and minerals essential for skeletal and muscle development .

But how does sleep affect growth? When we sleep, our bodies produce hormones, including growth hormone called somatotropin. Here’s one reason why we should create good sleeping habits so we get enough sleep. It is good to be aware of how much sleep a person needs at any age.

Another thyroid-related hormone also has a direct effect on bone development. In some cases, congenital hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid linked to growth problems in children. A healthy person begins to grow as soon as he or she begins fertilization.

A child’s growth is easily noticed when the size of the clothes or shoes changes. If you find that your child’s growth is ending in an unusual way or time, you should take him or her to an expert for evaluation.

Can human growth be stimulated?

According to some doctors, it is possible to stimulate human growth if it is done before adolescence or early adolescence. In this case, doctors may prescribe protein supplements and multivitamins. 

In this way, the young person receives help to support his or her growth so that he or she can reach the length that would be possible with his or her inheritance.

Other experts, on the other hand, believe in hormone treatments or the benefits of sports. Although the idea that playing basketball or swimming for a few more cents is just a myth, experts still recommend playing sports. After all, physical activity is essential for health as well as it helps maintain a healthy balance between mind and body.

Although heredity plays a key role in human growth, it is important to encourage children to take part in sports and to create healthy habits also with regard to rest. In addition to this, it is good to follow a varied diet.

What changes when a person stops growing?

The main causes of growth-related problems are related to chronic diseases such as kidney, liver or digestive problems, heart disease, or any medical condition that develops in the central nervous system or bone.

Other congenital and endocrine diseases, such as diabetes and X chromosome aberrations, may also be associated with stagnant growth. Socio-economic factors leading to malnutrition, especially in early childhood, play a significant role as they are crucial for human future development.

If a person suffers from malnutrition during the first years of life for a longer period of time, it determines his or her final height. It can determine it more than inherit.

In order to be able to reverse these effects, the child should have regular check-ups with a doctor who is familiar with development and growth. The professional will then monitor the individual’s situation extensively. While it doesn’t guarantee growth for sure, it’s definitely worth a try.

On average, girls develop earlier than boys.
Growth and development are not only dependent on inheritance, but also on external factors such as socio-economic conditions.

Many factors affect the age at which a person stops growing

While it is true that inheritance has a major impact on when a person stops growing and how long a person grows, we also know that the environment and food have a significant impact. In this regard, UNICEF has produced a leaflet on child growth assessment to help guide healthy eating.

The file also contains tables showing the average growth percentages for girls and boys. These can be used as practical guidelines at home to keep track of a child’s height and weight.

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