Why Can You Feel Lonely In The Company?

If you are lonely, this may be because you do not know how to treat the people around you properly. It can also be because others ignore you, in which case it would be better to just leave these people in the past.
Why can you feel lonely in the company?

Man is a social being, which is why sociality and interaction with others is very important. Loneliness, especially in the midst of a crowd, can leave you confused.

Some of the reasons for such loneliness may be a lack of social skills or the fact that the wrong group of friends has been chosen.

Loneliness when you are yourself isolated from others

lonely man in bed

There are times in life when you have to isolate yourself from other people, either because of your own choices or circumstances.

For example, after a serious accident, it is possible that we will have to stay home for months for recovery to take place properly – this is one common cause of isolation. There are other reasons that can lead to isolation from others, such as depression as well as anxiety in social situations.

Loneliness comes to the fore during recovery from the problem.  In the first case after the accident and in the second in the aftermath of depression or social anxiety.

Then we turn ourselves towards the world again, but panic can hold in power if you are lonely in the company of others. We may go to parties we don’t feel like we belong to and we can’t enjoy these. Despite the number of people around, you feel lonely.

The question that should be asked here is this:  how do you behave in that situation? Usually the answer would be: interaction, chatting effortlessly, small Talk… So no problem. But now something goes small – maybe you’ve lost some of your social skills?

Social skills are learned


Loneliness can be caused by a decline in social skills, such as interaction skills, which causes a person to begin to feel insecure and ashamed.

There are many people who feel lonely in the company of others because they  have never properly learned to develop the social skills needed to interact with others.

On the other hand, a person may have low self-esteem, leading to the  development of insecurity and shame into high walls that may seem like insurmountable obstacles.

However, there is a solution to all this. We can petrify our social skills – just as they can weaken.

When you’re in a social situation, you may feel like you’re in the wrong place, and the feeling can be very uncomfortable. You just want to escape. However, it would be best to face the fears.

The more you face these fears, the more you will be able to get rid of your discomfort.

Social life with others can help regain the skills lost during isolation, and it can also help to face those unfounded fears that make you feel worse and irrelevant when talking to others.

There is only one solution to feeling lonely with others: keep looking for social situations and face them boldly.

What type of group are you aiming for?


If none of the possible reasons we give now are an explanation for being lonely with others, analyze your own social environment.

You may not have noticed that the reason for your loneliness is that you become ignored, humiliated, invisible, or manipulated in some way in your group of friends.

Many poisonous people disguise themselves in credible ways , and they can make another fall into their traps very easily.

On the other hand, you may feel lonely because the people in your group of friends are not at all similar to you. In this case, it is normal to be lonely, as such relationships are not very valuable.

We should always choose the people we follow that we need to be comfortable with so we can talk naturally.  They should be individuals with whom we can share experiences and thoughts, and likewise we should be able to learn to trust them.

Loneliness is something that can be changed. All you have to do is monitor and analyze the situation. Once the problem is identified, a solution can be sought.

The main image of the text is from the source © wikiHow.com.

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