Yoga For Beginners: 5 Basic Positions

If you are new to this sport, remember that the most important thing is to listen to your body and feel your own limits. So do not try to force difficult positions if you are not ready for them.
Yoga for beginners: 5 basic positions

Yoga is a form of exercise that consists of postures or asanas. In each position, you practice your flexibility and strength as well as your ability to meditate. It takes dedication and effort to progress in the practice of yoga, and basic movements alone are  good enough in the beginning.

The system of asanas is derived from Hindu yoga texts. Each word has a Sanskrit name and a certain technique. While implementation may be basic or advanced, the  most important thing is to be connected to the present.

The following basic yoga postures are great for beginners as they  are not complicated and do not require a lot of technical expertise to be implemented well. They are natural postures and there is an opportunity to relax between them.

In some yoga implementations, postures and physical activity are geared towards strengthening the body. While meditation and relaxation are not as pronounced in the following movements as in some others, don’t forget to breathe properly all the time.

Yoga for beginners

If you are brand new to yoga, you should start with these asanas. Encouraged and enjoy the ability of yoga to create a connection between the human body and the soul! Don’t worry if everything isn’t perfect  – a small dose of consistency and discipline will ensure that you can evolve.


1.  Shavasana  i.e. the position of the dead

This position is ideal for  promoting relaxation and breathing.  It consists of your back lying on your feet apart, your hands off your body and your palms facing up. Let your fingers relax and bend slightly. Relax your ankles, knees, thighs and buttocks.

Shavasana allows your body to release all the tension it has accumulated  , and during it you are able to breathe well. You don’t need any pinching –  just lie where you are and breathe.

2.  Utka plane  , ie chair position

This position  strengthens the back and legs, and at the same time releases tension from the spine.

  • To implement the  foot level stand with your feet together, your hands on your sides, and your feet wide apart.
  • Inhale and raise your arms toward the ceiling to activate the muscles in your arms, keeping your palms facing forward.
  • Bring your hand to about ear level. Bend your knees  and prevent them from going beyond your ankles.

3.  Svanasana  , or downward-looking dog

The downward facing dog position is one of the basic positions of yoga and is very often encountered. It is a resting position as it helps the back to release the tension that builds up from other yoga postures.

  • You can start practicing this position while standing or on the ground – depending on your own routine.
  • Separate your legs to the width of your hips, inhale deeply and raise your hands towards the roof.
  • Exhale and bend your hips until your hands touch the floor. Step back, bring your hips up and  make your body in a V-position.

4.  Bhujangasana  or cobra position

This position stretches the abdomen and lower back.

  • To start, lie down on your stomach with your hands slightly apart from your body and your palms facing down.
  • Breathe in and bring your palms just below your shoulders.
  • Stretch your legs behind so that their front sides touch the mat.
  • Then  stretch your arms and hook your back.  Bring that head back.
yoga in nature

5.  Padmasana  or lotus position

The lotus position is ideal for  meditation and body relaxation as it opens the body and mind to the energy of yoga.

  • To get started, sit on the mat with your back straight, as well as your feet.
  • Then hook the other knee and bring the foot forward, holding it by hand.
  • Put it on top of your other thigh and close to your hips.
  • When your legs are crossed, put your hands on your knees and take a deep breath.

These basic movements of yoga are very easy to perform and can be combined in many ways. So relax with yoga and start practicing this sport from a basic level – don’t stress in vain!  You can strengthen yourself in both your mind and body, so it is always worth starting yoga.

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