Yoga Postures To Enhance Weight Loss

Yoga postures are an excellent supplement for weight loss and muscle firming. Yoga alone also provides an excellent workout for the whole body and can even replace some of the traditional sports.
Yoga postures to enhance weight loss

Different yoga postures have increased in popularity especially among weight loss people. Combined with other regular exercise and a healthy diet, yoga can prove to be quite an effective way to shed the extra pounds.

Yoga helps burn fat and strengthen muscles at the same time, so it can also be absorbed as part of a physical muscle workout. In addition to strengthening the muscles of the entire body, yoga improves mental well-being and helps control the feelings of anxiety and restlessness that many lead to overeating.

The best thing about yoga, in addition to its versatile health effects, is that yoga can be practiced almost anywhere, as almost all yoga postures are easy to learn and doing so doesn’t take up much space. If you haven’t had time to try yoga as part of your exercise routine yet, we encourage you to take a closer look at the following yoga postures that are sure to help you improve your weight loss.

The best yoga postures for weight loss

1. Camel

The camel position improves the back muscles

Ustrasana, or camel alone, is an excellent yoga position for firming muscles and losing weight. With this yoga position, you can intensify the firming of the abdominal area and abdominal muscles in particular.

Step by step

  • Get on your knees on a yoga mat and keep your back straight. Make sure your knees are separated and at the same angle as your hips.
  • Support your position on your knees so that the footrest rises off the mat.
  • Stretch your arms straight back and release them on your heels while lifting your chest up.
  • Stay in position for 10-15 seconds by keeping your abdominal muscles tight.
  • Return to starting position and breathe slowly deep in and out.
  • Repeat the movement 3-6 times according to your possibilities.

2. Cobra

Bhujangasana or cobra is a yoga position or asana that helps to strengthen the lower back and abdominal muscles in particular. Cobra is also recommended for firming the gluteal muscles and fat accumulated in the hips. (The first image in the article shows this asana.)

Step by step

  • Place your abdomen on a yoga mat with your legs straight supporting the position of your abdominal muscles.
  • Place both hands next to your chest and slowly lift your upper body.
  • Bend your upper body as far as you can, and keep your gaze towards the ceiling at all times.
  • Stay in position for 10 seconds and relax.
  • Repeat the movement 5-8 times as much as possible.

3. Warriors

The warrior position strengthens the legs

In addition to strengthening muscles , Virabhadrasana, or warrior, improves lung function. In the warrior position, the abdominal muscles, thighs and buttocks are made to work in a variety of ways.

Step by step

  • Stand on a yoga mat with your back straight with your legs apart.
  • Step forward with your right foot while keeping your left foot in place and form an angle of about 90 degrees with your feet.
  • Raise your hands toward the ceiling and stretch them as far as you can. Bring your palms together and look up.
  • Take a deep breath, release the position and repeat to the left.
  • Repeat the movement 10-12 times as much as possible.

4. Forward bending while sitting

Paschimottanasana, or flexion while sitting, is one of the best asanas for weight loss, as this position directly affects the abdominal muscles. Forward bending while sitting is easy to do, but it requires a little more physical endurance as well as flexibility.

Step by step

  • Sit on a yoga mat with your back straight and your legs straight forward.
  • Exhale deeply and bend your upper body towards your feet and try to reach with your fingers to your toes. Keep your back straight throughout playback.
  • Grasp your toes with your fingers and let your forehead rest on or above your knees.
  • Stay in position for 10 seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement as much as possible 8-10 times.

5. Spring

The spring position reduces back pain

Dhanurasana or bow is one of the classic asanas of yoga that helps to enhance weight loss. The spring position combines flexibility and concentration, which together help strengthen the gluteal muscles and burn excess body fat. On top of all that, the spring position strengthens the spine and reduces muscle pain.

Step by step

  • Go to a lying position on a yoga mat for your stomach. Support the movement with the abdominal muscles and bend your legs from the knees up.
  • Raise your legs toward the ceiling to form an arch.
  • Then lift your upper body up from the mat and keep your gaze straight in front.
  • Bend your arms back and try to catch them with your feet.
  • Take a deep breath in and out and stay in position for at least 10 seconds.
  • Repeat the movement about 5 times, if possible.

If you are not interested in gym training as part of weight loss, we recommend that you feel free to try these effective yoga postures as part of your fitness routine. However, don’t be discouraged if these yoga postures at first seem awkward or boring, as you will soon notice as your practice progresses, how your flexibility and endurance begin to develop.

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